Archive for July, 2008


Wolph42 Strikes Again

Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008

Good news everyone! Two more tools from Wolph42 today. This time the excel spreadsheets are based on two of Henrik Gronberg’s Liber Fanatica articles from the GM Toolshed.

The first is a book generator, complete with, among other things, quality of writing, age, condition, notable features, and peculiarities of penmanship. It’s perfect for the GM constantly put on the spot by players searching through libraries or (gasp!) private homes.

The second is something we’ve seen before in another form: Henrik’s Inn Generator. This tool is extremely handy for those of us who don’t have internet access while GMing and so are limited to offline tools. It will generate the name, type of establishment, size, costs, what the inn is known for, and even random “inn-cidents.”

Both tools can be found in the Downloads section.


Wolph42’s Tools of the Trade

Monday, July 7th, 2008

Wolph42 has developed a few tools for the computer-savvy WFRP Gamesmaster who owns a copy of Microsoft’s Excel. The first is a trade tool based on the rules found in “Death on the Reik,” complete with MadAlfred’s Imperial and non-Imperial Gazetteers (used with permission). The second tool is handy for keeping track of large combats, quickly resolving blind opposed tests, and quite a bit else.

Check them out in the Downloads section!