Archive for November, 2007


Just What Have I Been Up To, Anyway?

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007

It’s been a long while since this site last updated, but I have been working on WFRP, I promise. The Scenario Contest over at Black Industries has been occupying all of my time of late, and I finally finished my entry. It’s about a man who was wronged by some corrupt people in authority, and engages in complex machinations to obtain his revenge. The PCs must thwart his attempts at poisoning an entire town (and most likely them as well). Plenty of puzzles, a group of thugs, and the same corrupt men stand in their way.

Look for it at the 2007 Scenario Contest Site. It’s titled “Dead Ringer,” and can be found about halfway down the page. To whet your appetite, I’ve placed a picture of the cover behind the fold, expertly penciled by TJ Adamowicz and digitally painted by Alfredo Lopez, Jr.

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