


Noblesse Oblige was the winner of Black Industries’ 2005 Scenario Competition. The scenario itself revolves around a dispute between two lesser noble families in southern Hochland, and the intrigues and machinations that occur when the Player Characters get drawn into that dispute. Following the competition guidelines, Noblesse Oblige was designed to be playable within a single session with little to no loose ends upon its completion. There are also plenty of handouts and GM aids to help in preparing and executing the scenario.
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Dead Ringer was my entry into the 2007 Scenario Competition, this time in the Contributor section thanks to my work on The Thousand Thrones. It, too, took first place against stiff competition, although Dead Ringer met with more mixed reviews than Noblesse Oblige. Dead Ringer involves a race against time as the PCs match their wits against a series of clues tattooed on the chest of a mad doktor, with the fate of the town of Ehrtzhofen hanging in the balance.
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Masquerade of Horrors was written by Seann McAnally and Colin Campbell for the 2005 BI Scenario Contest as well, and finished first runner-up out of dozens of entries. It pits the PCs against Herman Von Barbe, a hermaphroditic cult leader, and his river-borne theatrical troupe. Early in the adventure, the PCs discover a bizarre mask – an artifact sacred to Slaanesh – and Von Barbe wants it. Trouble quickly follows, as well as a theatrical performance the PCs will not soon forget. Masquerade is a scenario of the highest quality, and I am proud to make it the first scenario hosted on Winds of Chaos that wasn’t authored by me.
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