Dark Reapers desing

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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2022 8:22 am

Hi, how are you? I would like to know your opinion about the design of the Dark Reapers. Specifically its face (or the lack of it xD) I have seen that They say they have made these faces because faces are more difficult to paint and with simpler ones new people begin to paint minis but I see it as if something is missing, what do you think about it? I read you!
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If you're talking about the Eldar/Aeldari Dark Reapers, I think they look fine and in line with the rest of the army look. Alternate heads for conversions are cheap and easily available if you don't like the look of them. I think they are no better or worse looking in their aesthetic than most Space Marine heads.

@Chuck, you probably want to move this to the OffTopic section.
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