Hi again,
Would anyone know where to get the Cathay sourcebook which was floating around some years ago?
Thank you.
Cathay sourcebook?
If you mean the draft of Tetsubo (which was for Yamato, a Nippon equivalent, rather than Cathay), the authors have removed it from download, as there is a commercial version being produced for Zweihänder:
https://fabledlands.blogspot.com/2018/1 ... oming.html
The only other far-eastern material I know of is below.
Critical Hit’s Nippon material (retrieved from the Wayback Machine):
https://web.archive.org/web/20011101111 ... menu.shtml
A fan-made WFB supplement for Cathay and Nippon:
https://www.scribd.com/document/1820734 ... hay-Nippon
And one for Cathay:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Redi ... BQWms/view
WFRP1 Cathay sourcebook by Brian Scot Hoover #Cathay
http://kellri.blogspot.com/2008/07/firs ... y-ole.html
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8l15n ... sp=sharing
Warhammer Quest Fanmade Country by Leandro Braga #Cathay
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjUHJDXrIi03ge1dbK4 ... w?e=MRhf3r
Mordheim setting Border Town Burning fanmade supplement - Battle Monks of Cathay #Cathay #Nippon
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjUHJDXrIi03gZ88Del ... A?e=G1Qlw8
Wiki #Cathay #Nippon
https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wik ... ory:Cathay
https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wik ... ory:Nippon
Man O' War fanmade fleet #Cathay #Nippon
http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.ph ... le-cathay/
https://groups.io/g/TheSeaofClaws/searc ... ippon&ct=1
http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.ph ... /mownippon
Warmaster Trial Armies Compendium 2009 community fanmade army #Cathay #Nippon
http://wm-selector.appspot.com/pdfs/War ... s_2009.pdf
Warhammer Armies Project by Mathias Elliasson Cathay army #Cathay #Nippon
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Cathay
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Nippon
Ronin Samurai character for Warhammer Quest by Littlemonk #Nippon
Nippon work of Ian Ward and Arne Dam on Nippon #Nippon
2 files by Arne : Nipponese history and religion
2 files by Ian: Oshiki, god of Samurai and a Ki system
http://kellri.blogspot.com/2008/07/firs ... y-ole.html
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8l15n ... sp=sharing
Warhammer Quest Fanmade Country by Leandro Braga #Cathay
https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjUHJDXrIi03ge1dbK4 ... w?e=MRhf3r
Mordheim setting Border Town Burning fanmade supplement - Battle Monks of Cathay #Cathay #Nippon
https://1drv.ms/b/s!AjUHJDXrIi03gZ88Del ... A?e=G1Qlw8
Wiki #Cathay #Nippon
https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wik ... ory:Cathay
https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wik ... ory:Nippon
Man O' War fanmade fleet #Cathay #Nippon
http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.ph ... le-cathay/
https://groups.io/g/TheSeaofClaws/searc ... ippon&ct=1
http://www.warhammer-forum.com/index.ph ... /mownippon
Warmaster Trial Armies Compendium 2009 community fanmade army #Cathay #Nippon
http://wm-selector.appspot.com/pdfs/War ... s_2009.pdf
Warhammer Armies Project by Mathias Elliasson Cathay army #Cathay #Nippon
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Cathay
https://warhammerarmiesproject.blogspot ... bel/Nippon
Ronin Samurai character for Warhammer Quest by Littlemonk #Nippon
Nippon work of Ian Ward and Arne Dam on Nippon #Nippon
2 files by Arne : Nipponese history and religion
2 files by Ian: Oshiki, god of Samurai and a Ki system
Last edited by Dreadaxe on Tue Mar 10, 2020 5:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
JoshMReynolds answer about Warhammer The End of Times
The way I figure it, the Great Bastion likely went down around the same time the Auric Bastion fell, most likely due to the siege-craft of the Chaos Dwarfs. The Imperial court of Cathay as well as its bureaucratic system was supposed to be riddled with vampires and Tzeentch-worshippers, so any initial effective resistance was probably hampered by the in-fighting and scheming. A few hundred executions later, and the Dragon Emperor had everything moving in the right direction, likely with the help of the undead.
Zhao Fei led the defense of the Great Bastion during the initial Chaos assault. He was killed on the thirty-third day of the bombardment, when one of the vast doom engines of the renegade Chaos Dwarf Hothgar struck the Bastion and began to pry it apart. As its iron-plated maw opened, to disgorge Chaos Dwarfs, Khazags, Dreaded Wo, and Hobgoblin warriors, Zhao Fei led a counterattack, and was slain in the ensuing melee by Rykarth the Unbreakable.
[the sleeping army of Terracotta Warriors] fought and were destroyed by the war-engines of the Chaos Dwarfs, during the initial invasion. The ceramic soldiers were powerful, but no match for the ingenuity of the Dawi Zharr and the brute ferocity of the Chaos forces they supported.
Of course, by then, it's too little, too late. The Bastion has been turned from a wall into a fortress by the Chaos Dwarfs, allowing the forces of Chaos to raid out into the heartland of Cathay with impunity. They burn the monasteries of the war-monks and plunder their stupas, and scour the surrounding farmlands as the Imperial Army fights a defensive battle, trying to buy time for the southern provinces to mobilize and send reinforcements.
Dalan-Tai was last seen leading his tribesmen against the savage horsemen of the Khazags, not long after the fall of the Bastion. Whether he survived this initial clash or not is unknown, but his warriors continued to bleed the Chaos forces for weeks afterward, harrying them as they laid siege to Weijin.
By this time, however, Clan Eshin is assassinating every official worth the name in both Cathay and Nippon, and hampering the military effort through sabotage and murder. The Dragon-Emperor personally leads the Celestial Guard into the warrens beneath the Fragrant Harbor, effectively annihilating the skaven presence in Cathay, but only one in ten of his warriors survive.
Chu-Ye Xian was among those members of the Imperial Court assassinated by Clan Eshin, prior to the razing of the warrens beneath Fragrant Harbor.
Cheng Long was last seen descending into the skaven warren beneath Weijin alone. What occurred there is unknown, but no skaven survived, and the warren collapsed in on itself, preventing any others from following the monk into the depths.
The Dragon-Emperor meets the enemy in combat before the very gates of the capital and somehow manages to throw them back time and again, as the plagues of Nurgle run riot through the streets and Slaaneshi courtesans corrupt his advisers. The Chaos forces await only the coming of the Chaos Dwarfs, whose guns can breach the walls of the city.
And then Grimgor arrives. The Ironhide has broken what's left of the Great Bastion and thrown down the Chaos Dwarf garrison. His ranks swelled by the tribes of Hobgobla Khan and the forces of the defeated Necksnapper, Grimgor carves a bloody swathe through the Chaos held territories. The War for the East truly begins here, as orcs pour into Cathay from the Badlands. Savage orcs storm from the jungles of the far south, led by Wurrzag. The capital falls, riven by constant battle and brute-sorcery, as the Dragon-Emperor and his remaining Celestial Guard fight to clear a path for the survivors to escape to Fragrant Harbor, and the great treasure-fleets which wait there. Where they will go from there, none know.
Tian Shi led the purging of the Imperial Court in those final days, seeking out the followers of the Dark Gods with the aid of the vampire, Naaima, handmaiden to the Queen of Mysteries. He stood beside the Dragon Emperor during the Fall of Weijin, and was last seen aboard the Emperor's vessel, summoning a magical wind to carry the fleet to safety.
Huan Bei fought beside the Emperor against the skaven and Chaos alike, only to perish in the fall of Weijin, protecting the Emperor from Grimgor's savage assault. He held off the beast long enough for the Dragon-Emperor to retreat, and got his skull cleaved in two for his trouble.
The Brass Titans were mustered to throw back the invasion, and many fell to either Chaos siege-engines or the twisted constructs and specially mutilated siege-giants of the Chaos Dwarfs. Others were sabotaged by the skaven, or destroyed by the packs of lumbering giants which followed Grimgor. The remaining titans followed the Dragon Emperor's fleet into the sea, when Cathay was abandoned.
In the ruins of the capital, orcs and Chaos worshippers clash again and again, until the dark gods turn away in frustration, and Gork and Mork laugh in satisfaction. Let the puny humans have the west...the east is green.
Those Celestial Dragons which took part in the initial resistance to the invaders were felled by the magics of the Chaos horde, as well as the ravages of those fell beasts mustered from the Wastes--Chaos-tainted wyverns and drakes, bilious toad-dragons and monstrous Shaggoths. Those who remained retreated into the Mountains of Heaven, defending those high peaks and all who sought refuge upon them until the end of days.
The Monkey King was doing what the Monkey King does, i.e. ruining schemes and wrecking stuff. It was the Monkey King who piled the heads of seventy-seven Chaos champions in the shadow of the Great Bastion, and the Monkey King who freed the firewyrms enslaved by the Chaos Dwarfs manning the Bastion, thus distracting the Dawi Zharr as Grimgor attacked. And it was the Monkey King who felled Grydal, Lord of the Snaegr in single combat.
Nippon was the center of Clan Eshin activity, even as Lustria was the heart of Clan Pestilens, and suffered a similar fate. When the great skaven invasion began, Clan Eshin systematically isolated Nippon from its closest neighbors--killing traders, wrecking merchant ships, murdering abassadors--in order to preserve it for their own entertainment, Not for them mass enslavement and looting, but instead a carefully orchestrated campaign of political/social/economic/military deconstruction.
Yoritomo Ieyasu was assassinated by Clan Eshin, prior to Grimgor's invasion. As shogun, he was a prime target for the skaven, and his death led to much upheaval in Nippon.
O-Sayumi fought the skaven wherever she found them, and freed their captives when she could. It was she who led many of the coastal folk inland, towards the mountains, and defended them against any who sought to bar their way.
Sarutori Hanzo led the fight against the skaven, hunting them across the rooftops and through their warrens, even as he tracked those creatures responsible for the death of Ieyasu. His skills were put to the test as he fought the assassins of Clan Eshin wherever he found them, and he was hunting them still, when the world ended.
Unfortunately, [the skaven] reckoned without Grimgor, who, upon reaching Fragrant Harbor, on the coast of Cathay in pursuit of the Dragon-Emperor, found not enemies but allies--the ramshackle fleets of orc freebooterz, drawn to the coast by the whispers of Mork and the shouts of Gork. Since orcs have a limited concept of direction, Grimgor set his new fleet a-sail towards the closest landmass--Nippon.
By the time the Waaagh reached the shores of Nippon, Clan Eshin had effectively rendered the realm defenseless. While isolated warlords and mountain clans were able to resist the skaven, there was no force organized enough to prevent Grimgor and his army from making landfall. The fleets of Nippon burned in their ports, and the major cities fell soon after, as Clan Eshin mobilized its forces to meet this new threat to their sovereignty. What happened next is unknown, save that barely three in ten of the greenskins survived, and Clan Eshins strongholds had been razed. Grimgor, driven by the will of Gork, led his battered forces back to their ships and the human survivors began the long fight to purge their lands of the remaining skaven--a fight they were doomed to lose.
Empress Jungi appeared in the final days of Grimgor's invasion, and it was her magics which protected the mountain fortresses of her people, by the will of the Kami. When the threat had ended, she swept down from the hills, and led her people in battle against the shattered Eshin forces.
The Red Ronin took a heavy toll on Grimgor's forces, before he fell in battle with the black orc warrior, Durkol Eye-Gouger. Durkol did not long survive his opponent, for the bloodsword Revenge found his heart, even as his choppas cut the Ronin down.
Between Ulthuan sinking and the chunks of moon slamming into the oceans around Lustria and the Southlands, probably most of them that weren't connected to the main landmass. Even Nippon probably sank, before the end.
Ind, meanwhile, suffered much as Tilea and Estalia and Araby. Clans Eshin and Clan Volkn destabilized the various princedoms and kingdoms or else slaughtered them, even as the forces of Chaos invaded from the jungles and seas--Arbaal the Undefeated stacked skulls higher than the great stupas as Dechala the Denied One roused the pleasure-cults of southern Ind in mass-revolt. Various champions rose and fell...the flying ship of Wulfrik the Wanderer was seen more than once, as was the great drake, Galrauch. Heroes fought and died, unknown and unremembered, as the vast cities of Ind burned and filled the sky with ashes.
Karishna was slain by Skulltaker, at the siege of Lakshana, when the forces of the Blood God erupted from the holds of the great butcher-boats of the Khornate warfleet. The two immortals dueled for several hours, before Karishna faltered, and Skulltaker claimed his head.
Urjana was killed by Arbaal the Undefeated, after he expended his arrows on Karanak's pack of flesh hounds. Urjana slew three hundred of the daemons before he was brought to battle by the Undefeated One, and beheaded.
Parashuruma fell in battle with Wulfrik the Wanderer. The Holy Slayer was among those heroes who met the Wanderer's challenge and perished, in the early days of the invasion.
Mhogli was among those heroes hunted by Karnak, the Hound of Vengeance, on behalf of Khorne. The great hound pursued Mhogli into the jungles of Khuresh, where both disappeared from history.
The people of Ind, and their gods, were fighting right up until the last hours. Their access to the sea was cut off, and the only route of retreat was inland, into the jungles and mountains, where they were still fighting the legions of the Blood God when the world ended.
In a way, Ind actually managed to pull a draw--it wasn't completely overrun, and it was still in the fight when Middenheim blew up.
Ronin Samurai character for Warhammer Quest by Littlemonk #Nippon
- Posts: 158
- Joined: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:41 am
- Location: Gisoreux
There also was a very small eleven pages scenario and context unofficial supplement set in Ind in the French roleplaying games magazine Casus Belli #33-35 (of the second numbering).
Veniam, Duelli Malleum, phantasticum ludum personae uidebo, in fera terra periculosorum aduenturorum ludebam.
THANK-YOU!!! I'd been racking my brains about where I'd seen that and could not find it at all (I kept thinking I'd seen it in Le Grimoire). Man, that's a weight off my mind.Capitaneus Fractus wrote: ↑Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:25 am There also was a very small eleven pages scenario and context unofficial supplement set in Ind in the French roleplaying games magazine Casus Belli #33-35 (of the second numbering).
Now I've just got to work out how I get my hands on them.
So I discovered the site that had the Ind scans and they're lost to the ether. Unfortunately it also looks like I deleted them in an overenthusiastic purge of pdfs. Damn. 

Tried it. The links are all dead. The blogger has saved some of the scenarios, but not the Ind stuff. Here.
Nippon work of Ian Ward and Arne Dam on Nippon #Nippon
2 files by Arne : Nipponese history and religion
2 files by Ian: Oshiki, god of Samurai and a Ki system
Illustration from rulebook WFB7 #Cathay

Inspiration Cathay ship #cathay
2 files by Arne : Nipponese history and religion
2 files by Ian: Oshiki, god of Samurai and a Ki system
Illustration from rulebook WFB7 #Cathay

Inspiration Cathay ship #cathay
- Toby Pilling
- Posts: 66
- Joined: Wed May 15, 2019 5:14 am
I see that Grim and Perilous Studios have pulled out of publishing Tetsubo:
https://grimandperilous.com/tetsubo-lic ... e-renewed/
Some of the reasoning sounds a little odd. How exactly is it deemed a product of it's time, I wonder? Some cultural sensibilities being offended, perhaps? It all sounds a bit woke, to me. And why should a future developer have to be of Asian origin? Get woke, go broke, guys.
https://grimandperilous.com/tetsubo-lic ... e-renewed/
Some of the reasoning sounds a little odd. How exactly is it deemed a product of it's time, I wonder? Some cultural sensibilities being offended, perhaps? It all sounds a bit woke, to me. And why should a future developer have to be of Asian origin? Get woke, go broke, guys.
Nothing wrong with being "woke" and wanting your modern RPG product to fit modern sensibilities (especially if they are your own sensibilities). I don't want to speak for Fox, but I don't think he's saying the developer of any new Asian-inspired fantasy RPG has to be Asian, just that that's what he wants for his product. He wants insight from someone from the actual culture he's deriving the setting from. Sounds fair enough to me.
If they were changing basically everything about the contents of Tetsubo except the name (and it sounds like this was coming from the original designers as much as from Fox, though it would be interesting to hear their side), I think they made the right decision. Better to get complaints about "wokeness" now, before anyone has parted with their money for a product that won't be what they wanted.
If they were changing basically everything about the contents of Tetsubo except the name (and it sounds like this was coming from the original designers as much as from Fox, though it would be interesting to hear their side), I think they made the right decision. Better to get complaints about "wokeness" now, before anyone has parted with their money for a product that won't be what they wanted.
Nippon has always had a place in my heart in terms of WFRP, and in general with the ninja craze of the 80s.
I think it was a victim of the leveraged by-out when it went to 4th.
Related I’ve been every so slowly building my 3rd Edition Nippon army (and castle) for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. And @dreadaxe thanks, those are some great links!
I think it was a victim of the leveraged by-out when it went to 4th.
Related I’ve been every so slowly building my 3rd Edition Nippon army (and castle) for Warhammer Fantasy Battle. And @dreadaxe thanks, those are some great links!
https://www.artstation.com/artwork/2xrklB https://www.artstation.com/cobolyu #cathay
Warhammer Grand Cahtay concept art: Xen Ming, Dragon Emperor
Xen Ming is the fourth son to a minor consort of the late Dragon Emperor Xen Song. Knowing that he has almost no claim to the throne, he spend most of his early days living the opulent court life in a drunken stupor without any interest in politics. He was eventually falsely accused in a Chaos worshiping scandal and demoted as a Dragon Lord in the desolate frontier city of Wuping. His initial management of the city was a disaster and it was almost overran in a marauder raid if not for the brave defense of the garrisoned army. The experience deeply humbled the conceited prince who vowed to changes his ways. By employing and learning from capable advisors, he transformed the forsaken city into one of the busiest station along the Ivory Road. Not satisfied with simply keeping Wuping safe, Xen Ming looked to pacify the north once and for all by actively leading campaigns across the Great Bastion and fostering a deeply xenophobic attitude towards all outsiders.
Warhammer Grand Cahtay concept art: Xen Ming, Dragon Emperor
Xen Ming is the fourth son to a minor consort of the late Dragon Emperor Xen Song. Knowing that he has almost no claim to the throne, he spend most of his early days living the opulent court life in a drunken stupor without any interest in politics. He was eventually falsely accused in a Chaos worshiping scandal and demoted as a Dragon Lord in the desolate frontier city of Wuping. His initial management of the city was a disaster and it was almost overran in a marauder raid if not for the brave defense of the garrisoned army. The experience deeply humbled the conceited prince who vowed to changes his ways. By employing and learning from capable advisors, he transformed the forsaken city into one of the busiest station along the Ivory Road. Not satisfied with simply keeping Wuping safe, Xen Ming looked to pacify the north once and for all by actively leading campaigns across the Great Bastion and fostering a deeply xenophobic attitude towards all outsiders.