Offensive melee talents stacking

The enemy lurks in shadows
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Posts: 17
Joined: Tue May 18, 2021 5:53 am

With the up in arms inventory, there is something called a sap with the pummel quality (melee brawling) . What happens if a fighter have dirty fighter, strike to stun, dual wielder (with a second left hand weapon) , AND in fighter talent. Using melee brawling does all such talents really stack? Potentially there is a +4 SL in an in fight if all these talents apply. Any thoughts?
Thank you
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Orin J.
Posts: 518
Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 10:39 pm

because dirty fighting's bonus can only be employed when doing damage, and striking to stun can only be employed when opting to not do damage, i would assume they're mutually exclusive as you would not be striking to stun when you use dirty fighting. addationally, dual-wielding would only apply the bonus when attacking with two weapons, which would require you to use two melee brawling weapons to not apply heafty penalties while infighting. infighting would work fine, provided you aren't actively trying to be screwy with the deal wielding.
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue May 18, 2021 5:53 am

Thanks for the reply. I also think that dirty fighter is not supposed to stack with strike to stun. However, I wanted to hear others opinion about it. From my point of view there seem however to be several users on this forum (previous thread) interpreting the rules towards damage is indeed to be taken during striking to stun.
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