2nd edition wardancer rules

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There was a pdf from andy law that reworked the 1st edition wardancers for second edition, I wanted to look it over again but can't find it anywhere, does anyone have it?
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I was unaware of any revision like you mention. I think the closest I know of is Defenders of the Forest, a pdf describing wood elves in general, maybe that helps?
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I have a copy, not sure if it's the one you're talking about.

Give me a few to make it available.


Here you go: WFRP2 - Wardancers

It specifies the following:
Originally By Matt Connell, Graeme Davis And D. Matalou
Updated By Alexander J Bateman

and is the one listed here on RPGGeek.com
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Yeah, that was a draft of one of the last four things I was working on converting over when Second Edition stopped being produced in house at GW.

It used a lot of Andy's art but I am not sure it was ever signed off on or who initially released that draft on the web (Although I can guess.)

I think it hold's together relatively well.
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Thanks guys, that was it.
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