
For general discussions about WFRP
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Anyways, I would hope to see which VTTs everyone is going to use.
I was planning on Foundry, but may have to switch to Maptool or Roll20.
~For the Empire!
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I am regularly playing on fantasy grounds and monitoring their forum. My layman's understanding from there is that a publisher cannot prevent someone from creating a ruleset in a VTT. E.g. there's a WFRP2 ruleset for fantasy grounds. The protected intellectual property is just the descriptions, story and art. Therefore there are no premade adventures available.

Making a ruleset for WFRP4 in fantasy grounds or roll20 is quite some effort. I guess the main cost is for that integration. In FG D&D is very much automated, which obviously required more coding. Roll20 probably has less automation, but I am no expert on this.

I understood that the existing FG platform is not ideal for the WFRP 4 combat rules based on opposed rolls and advantage etc. That probably is the reason why they are working with roll20 for now. I assume you need to handle a lot manually.
On the other hand, a good automation of the WFRP 4 rules in FG might remove some of the complaints about the rules being a bit complicated. I guess tracking advantage and all the other stuff might be really complicated to implement, though.

Just my 2 cents...
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tydirium wrote: Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:46 am Anyways, I would hope to see which VTTs everyone is going to use.
I was planning on Foundry, but may have to switch to Maptool or Roll20.
As I just wrote, I am on fantasy grounds. But because of the missing ruleset we are playing D&D with the available adventures.

We do experiment with Ubersreik adventures, but also use the D&D ruleset. I would love to have a WFRP4 ruleset and all adventures ready.
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I see a little of GW's spirt has rubbed off on Cubicle 7 as they acquire more of their licenses.
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I'm happy to run something for the con. I'd probably want to do it "theatre of the mind"-style over video chat.
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Hey, I've been experimenting with a discord setup, please come and test it out.
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carnel wrote: Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:24 pm While the games I was working on for the con relied on some physical mechanics I'd be happy to re-run my Kingdom playsets from previous years (plus maybe a few new ones that didn't get used last time) as well as offering a new game...

O'Shane's Half-Dozen

Recently released for a crime they most certainly committed O'Shane has to clear an underworld debt by pulling off a daring heist. Choose a location, case your job, put together your crew and get rich or die trying.

System: facilitated freeform
Players: 6 (obvie!)
I've put your blurb into the new Discord in the one-shot thread, you can you make a new post so you can make changes to the text.

@Rangdo can you put your idea for a one-shot there as well.

@Hyarion there is a bot in DIcord to roll dice, I could setup a text channel for you to run the game in instead of irc, if you like.
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"Invite invalid" :shrug:
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The invites seem to expire after a few days. If this doesn't work for you in a week or two, I'll generate a new one.
Knight of the Lady
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I won't get around for the covenation but I wish you guys the best of luck. :)
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tadcan wrote: Wed Jul 15, 2020 1:20 pm The invites seem to expire after a few days. If this doesn't work for you in a week or two, I'll generate a new one.
Apparently fewer than a few - you posted this on Wednesday and it's already invalid on Friday! Sorry - I'll make sure to check back every day.
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Ok, try it now.
For anyone else, PM me for a link and I'll generate a new one.
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@tadcan apologies, I've had some real life stuff to deal with but eager to get on the Discord server but I can't seem to send private messages. I'll try and visit this thread this weekend if you can generate a new one.

Or alternatively can anyone already in maybe generate an friend invite?

It should also be possible to edit the invite so it never expires.
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carnel wrote: Sat Jul 18, 2020 11:50 am @tadcan apologies, I've had some real life stuff to deal with but eager to get on the Discord server but I can't seem to send private messages. I'll try and visit this thread this weekend if you can generate a new one.

Or alternatively can anyone already in maybe generate an friend invite?

It should also be possible to edit the invite so it never expires.
Turns out there are some advanced settings that allows a link to not expire after a day, so this should stay valid/
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Thanks that invite link worked for me
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Wow, time has passed quickly, almost time for NegalCon. Hope to see you of you there. There are still player slots and a good bit of interest. So fingers crossed that Ranald lands heads up!! :D
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It has begun, MUHAAAAHAAAHHHAA, I mean, NergalCon is a go.
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I played a game of Apotheosis with Jude today which was a lot of fun. Here's the final state of our Legend of Sigmar.

I'm hoping to run a game called Heretic! on Sunday which mixes freeform roleplaying with a social deduction mechanic. Imagine One Night Werewolf except the Werewolf spends the game in a cage and is a cultist not a werewolf.
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That Apotheotis game looks good!
Lots of fun, everyone! Too bad that I cannot be there.
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Belated many thanks to Tad for organising this and to all the players and GMs. It worked wonderfully.
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